Operation Christmas Child Donations

Check out this video to see the impact your donations will make!

Operation Christmas Child Overview 2023 (samaritanspurse.org)

Here is the link for suggestions on items that are needed for Operation Christmas Child boxes

Shoebox Gift Suggestions

Donating $10 covers the shipping of one shoebox! Use this link to donate today!

DCP 2023 Operation Christmas Child - 420104 (regfox.com)

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Elementary Family Chapel Tuesday

Family Chapel in the Sanctuary from 8:30am-9am with Destiny Worship Team and guest speaker.

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Fall Festival

Destiny School | 6pm - 8:00pm

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Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences

Elementary minimum days November 6th-8th, dismissal at 1:15pm. If your child is signed up for monthly after school care, care is available on Wednesday and Thursday until their regular pick up time.

If your child is not signed up for monthly after school care, at this time, no care is available on a drop in basis.

As always, there is no care after 1:15pm on Friday.

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Thanksgiving Break

There is no school from Nov. 25th-Nov. 30th for Thanksgiving Break.

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Christmas Break

There is no school 12/23/24-01/06/25 for Christmas Break

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